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President Buhari Launches Nigerian National Broadband Plan
Photo: President Muhammadu Buhari

President Buhari Launches Nigerian National Broadband Plan

By Presidential directives, the Honourable Minister of Communications and Digital Economy inaugurated the Nigerian National Broadband Plan 2020-2025 Presidential Committee on Monday 16th December, 2019. The Committee, made up of industry stakeholders and representatives of key Government Agencies, supported by non-Governmental and Civil Society Organisations along with Development Partners, worked assiduously in producing this document

As we continue with our efforts of diversifying our economy, the need for ubiquitous broadband access cannot be overemphasized. We are aware of the economic growth opportunities afforded by the deployment of broadband technologies. I am told that every 10% increase in broadband penetration results in about 2.6% to 3.8% growth in GDP. This informed the Government‘s decision on the renaming of the Federal Ministry of Communications to the Federal Ministry of Communications and Digital Economy in October, 2019 as well as the unveiling of the National Digital Economic Policy and Strategy in November of the same year.

I note with keen interest that this plan is designed to deliver data download speeds of about 25Mbps in urban areas and 10Mbps in rural areas. It also targets covering at least 90% of the population and penetration rate of 70% by the end of the plans lifetime.

Although progress has been made in realizing some of the targets set in the previous plan, several factors militated against their full attainment. There is the need for deliberate efforts by all stakeholders towards ensuring that the targets we set ourselves in this plan are realized. I am therefore pleased to note that a governance framework aimed at facilitating this has been carefully crafted as part of the plan’s implementation strategy. I also note the concerns expressed as to the factors that may militate against the attainment of these targets. Government, on its part, will create the enabling environment as well as relevant policies to ensure effective deployment and protection of telecommunications infrastructure. I have already directed the Honourable Minister of Communications and Digital Economy to work with the National Security Adviser, the Inspector General of Police and relevant government agencies to ensure the protection of these critical national assets.

I commend the Honourable Minister of Communications and Digital Economy, the Presidential Committee and all stakeholders who participated in the development of this Nigerian National Broadband Plan 2020-2025. As I present the plan, I look forward to the commitment of all stakeholders towards ensuring its full implementation.

President Muhammadu Buhari

Read more and download the Nigerian National Broadband Plan document from the downloads menu

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